We use a hierarchy system for organizing flashcards. This allows you to have the power to categorize all your flashcards into topics, chapters, and subjects. The hierarchy structure — from lowest to highest — includes flashcards, decks, smaller folders, and folders within larger folders, creating a potentially endless organizational system. This is perfect for huge subjects like pathology!
To organize all your flashcards, Voovo works based off of a hierarchy system. With this, you can categorise your cards into topics, chapters, and subjects. The hierarchy goes as follows, from lowest to highest: flashcards, decks, and folders… and folders of folders, and so on. As you can see, this is endless.
This hierarchy system sets Voovo apart from other apps. Folders within folders allow for the organisation of extensive subjects like anatomy or physiology that cover vast amounts of information.

An example of a hierarchy system
- Big folder: Cardiology
- Small folder: Pediatric Cardiology 🚀
- Deck: Congenital defects📚

To find more information on the individual levels of the hierarchy system, we have individual articles about folders and decks! We hope you find use in this system and find the fact that it can be modified to match the depth and breadth of any school subject to be of great value. 📚🎉