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Learn 3.2 times faster with study algorithms.

Use spaced repetition to maximise your retention long term. Use rapid learning to get-through all of the material in a pre-exam speedrun.

study methods shown on iPad (spaced repetition, rapid learning)
repetition icon

Spaced repetition

To maximise your retention long term and remember for years.

rocket icon

Rapid learning

To get-through all of the material in a pre-exam speedrun.

bell icon for reminders

Study reminders

Get reminded at the perfect time to trigger the information again to boost long-term memory.

Voovo on desktop...

Apply to become a beta tester of the Voovo-web app,developed for laptop and desktop users!

Apply now

Use across all your devices in auto-sync

To maximise your retention long term and remember for years. To get-through all of the material in a pre-exam speedrun.

sync across laptop and phone image
crown icon for ipad features

iPad specific features

Apply to become a beta tester of the Voovo-web app, developed for laptop

phone emoji

Voovo mobile

Apply to become a beta tester of the Voovo-web app, developed for laptop

learning emoji

BETA web-app

Apply to become a beta tester of the Voovo-web app, developed for laptop

Download Voovo now!

Utilise the power of spaced repetition and active recall with digital flashcards 🚀

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