
The art of learning: The power of spaced repetition...

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Spaced repetition is a widely recognized and evidence-based technique for improving memory retention and long-term recall of information. It involves spreading out the review of information over time, rather than attempting to learn everything in one go. This method is based on the forgetting curve, which shows the decline in recall ability over time unless information is reviewed.

The forgetting curve is a well-established concept in the field of psychology and learning. This curve helps to illustrate the need for spacing out the review of information over time, instead of attempting to learn everything in one go.

Spaced repetition is based on the principles of the forgetting curve, which shows that the effectiveness of learning and retention decreases over time if information is not reviewed. By spacing out the review of information, spaced repetition helps to overcome the decline in recall ability and leads to better memory retention and long-term recall. This is because the spacing of reviews allows for information to be processed and consolidated in memory, which helps to strengthen the neural connections responsible for recall. In this way, spaced repetition aligns with the principles of the forgetting curve, providing a highly effective and evidence-based approach to learning.

In one study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, participants who used spaced repetition were able to recall information with an average accuracy rate of 80%, compared to 60% for those who studied the same information in a single session. Another study published in the journal Memory & Cognition found that spaced repetition was more effective than reviewing the information multiple times in a short period or studying it in a single session, with participants recalling information with an average accuracy rate of 75%.

Medical students can especially benefit from using spaced repetition in their studies. In a study of medical students published in the Journal of Medical Education, researchers found that students who used spaced repetition to study anatomy achieved an average test score of 88%, compared to 78% for those who did not use spaced repetition.

The Voovo app is a useful tool for students to utilize spaced repetition. The app has a built-in spaced repetition system that adjusts the interval between reviews based on the user's interaction. Users can rate their knowledge of each flashcard, and the app determines the optimal time to trigger the information again for maximum retention.

In conclusion, spaced repetition is a highly effective technique for improving memory retention and long-term recall of information. Medical students, in particular, can greatly benefit from using spaced repetition in their studies. The Voovo app provides a useful tool to help students make the most of spaced repetition and achieve better results in their studies.

This blogpost was written by the enthusiastic team of students at Voovo. We believe in a world where the fact that students forget 95% of the information they learn in only 3 days is not overlooked. We developed the Voovo app to help students absorb loads of difficult information quickly by creating the fastest and easiest way to create and use flashcards. Furthermore we are sharing our experiences and knowledge through well-researched articles and helpful study tips.

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